Wednesday, March 19, 2014

E-Commerce D:

The most boring class compared to all my previous semester D: Lecturer and tutor is the same person and half of the classmates are missing everytime.
If only he can be more interesting and put more effort to make us like this course. Lecturer, please stop teaching us like giving presentation. Your teaching method need to change! 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Dont know how to do?

I wonder why there are people that always complaining "I dont know how to do" when given a task. At first he said, "Just tell me what I should do" because he is too lazy on choosing what task to do. When given a task, that popular sentence starts repeating. "I dont know how to do". I have my own task to do okay. Keep asking me might as well i do it all for you. Sigh it is really sad when you faces this kind of people in college and in the same project group

Forget all about that, here's a picture of my dinner today :D
One of my favorite spicy food eventhough i cant really take spicy food. Name of the food? Not really sure though but Im guessing it is "Asam Pedas Fish". Well, that is what I called it.

Was ordering a large plate for this and the nice uncle gave me a large plate for only RM5 which is the normal price for normal plates.
P/s - Hopefully I will survive for tomorrow classes since it is 4.20 in the morning now D: Goodnight bloggers

Monday, March 17, 2014

Back Once Again

So...unfortunately you see me here once again. Looked back at my blog profile and I noticed that its been 5 years since I joined this site. 5 years have passed just like that!
What did I actually achieved in this 5 years? Now, I know why people hate growing up. You will have to actually do STUFF when you're old enough, start a living and etc.

I am currently studying, taking a programming course now and it is not so bad. Heard so many people saying that it is difficult to learn and so but if you have the heart to learn why not? (Doesn't apply to History subjects though :P). I actually do like this course I am taking. I always wanted to develop my own game and finally I will have the chance to do so but there is always problems that will stop you from doing so. I wonder when will I actually start to earn for a living..